Eagerly Prefetching a Route's Model to Make Apps Faster

· 3 min read

There is a 200-300ms interval between a user hovering on a link and actually clicking it.

If we use this time to prefetch the target route's model in our Ember applications, the app will feel faster and users will have a better experience.

Implementing this in Ember apps is trivial. We can make use of the store's built-in caching mechanism and ember-concurrency to achieve this(the implementation looks much neater with ember-concurrency compared to just using the run loop).

To make sure the app doesn't make redundant calls, the shouldBackgroundReloadAll method in the application adapter can be used.

Then proceed to create a component(say, eager-link).


import Component from '@ember/component';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency';

// This is to prevent flooding the server with requests.
// It is also recommended to have the server return 300 whenever possible.

export default Component.extend({
  eagerPrefetch: task(function* () {
    yield timeout(DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL);

    let container = getOwner(this);
    let targetRoute = container.lookup(`route:${this.get('href')}`);

    yield targetRoute.model();

  mouseEnter() {

  mouseLeave() {
    // cancel all pending tasks


{{link-to text href}}

and this component can be used in the application as

{{eager-link href="cars" text="See your cars!"}}

Whenever the link is hovered for more than 200ms, the model will be fetched and used when the route is visited.

Here is a working example.

Notice the following:

  • It takes around 400ms to get the API response.
  • There is a delay of about 570ms between hovering and clicking the link to the cars route.

By eagerly prefetching the model, we have completely eliminated the waiting time for the model while entering the cars route.

Obviously, this number will change based on the API response time and the behaviour of the users but there will almost always be an improvement in the order of a few hundred milliseconds.

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